
An abandonment erases an easement and splits it down the centerline, giving the land that was the easement to the abutting property owner(s). It may be helpful in clearing title, assembling land, or just eliminating roadways. General abandonments also apply to road-related drainage easements. Property will be sold at current market value based on the appraisal.

Required materials to initiate an abandonment:

        • Facet Map Page(s) with Subject Area Marked or Shaded. Facet Maps are available on the Harris County Appraisal District Website. They are found under the “Map Facet” link on the HCAD account page.
        • Document that Created Easement. This may be provided by a title company.
        • Vesting Deeds for Abutting Properties. May be provided by a title company.
        • Harris Central Appraisal District Pages for the Subject Property and for Abutters. Please visit www.hcad.org.
        • Survey, if you have one on hand.
        • Non-refundable Application Fee in the amount of $300.00. The fee will be applied toward the purchase price if the sale is completed. Please see Road Easement Abandonment Costs attached.
        • Appraisal Fee in the amount of $2,800.00.

Please send all documents in a single PDF to hcedsalesabandonments@harriscountytx.gov

Please direct all questions to the Sales and Abandonment team at 713-274-3700.